No Training sessions on Friday 20th May at Crown Pools
Suffolk Coastal Torpedoes Water Polo Club Annual General Meeting – Wed 26th June 7pm – Room CM10 Kesgrave High School.
To all Suffolk Coastal Torpedoes Water Polo Club player and parent members
Suffolk Coastal Torpedoes Water Polo Club will hold it’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 26th June 2018, 7:00pm at Kesgrave High School.
We would welcome and encourage all club members (players and parents) to attend as your views are important to how the club is operated. Please note only members aged 16+ will be able to vote. We aim to complete the meeting within 45mins as the SCT AGM will be followed by ICENI AGM
Chairman, Accounts, and Coaches report will be available via these links
- SCT Chair Report 2018 2019
- Coaches Report 2019
- AGM – Finance Report 18-19
- SCT – Profit & Loss-01042018-31032019
- SCT Trial Balance to 31032019
Agenda for meeting
- Welcome and Apologies
- Chairman’s Report*
- Club Finances*
- Election of committee officers
- Election of Independent Finance checker
Easiest entry is via the car parks, pass the netball court on your left and the Thomas Theatre is the next building on your left (it is signposted)
Bryan Johnson
SC Torpedoes Water Polo Club
Fixtures and Email Admin
SC Torpedoes Water Polo to run Adult sessions.
To grow the club we are going to experiment running a water polo session at Deben Swimming Pool 9pm-10pm on Monday evenings for players and beginners 16+ starting from the 10th Sept. We intend to run this until October half term then the committee will review to see if we have enough players to make the session viable.
The aim of this session is to see if we can attract enough players to develop an adult section of the club.
These sessions will initially be for strictly OVER 16s.
Chris will coach this session for us.
I know some of the parents have talked about having a go at Water Polo SO THIS IS YOUR CHANCE , and if you know of anyone interested please please pass this message on.
This will be open to our existing players aged 16 or older at no additional cost until we decide if is permanent arrangement and will advise of impact on your monthly subs at that point.
For new players after the 1st session we expect a flat fee of £25 until the middle of Oct.
We would be really grateful if you could spread the word.
Please let me know if you plan to attend and ask any people interested to email us at [email protected]