I hope all players have had a good break Junior and Inter training session resume this week.
Junior Training restarts Monday- 2nd Sept at Deben Swimming Pool 9pm-10pm and then Tuesday 3rd Sept at Felixstowe 8:15pm-9pm – Land training to be advised.
Suffolk Coastal Torpedoes
Water Polo Club
I hope all players have had a good break Junior and Inter training session resume this week.
Junior Training restarts Monday- 2nd Sept at Deben Swimming Pool 9pm-10pm and then Tuesday 3rd Sept at Felixstowe 8:15pm-9pm – Land training to be advised.
The GBR Men’s Water Polo Management group will host the third and final qualification tournament for the LEN European Championships 2014.
The event, which will be held at the Sunderland Aquatics Centre, will take place from the 7th-10th November 2013.
The British Gas GBR Men’s Water Polo team, who finished third in both their first two qualification tournaments, will face Russia, Slovenia, Israel and Moldova, for a place in next year’s LEN European Champs.
His Honour Alan Booth, Chair of the Management Committee who run the men’s game in the UK, said: “This is the first opportunity the GB Men’s Water Polo Group have had to host an international event and we are well placed to secure a place in the next stage of the qualifying process for the European Championships next year.
“We hope to have some help from an enthusiastic home crowd. The North East has a reputation as great sports enthusiasts and we hope that many of them will be at the Sunderland pool to cheer on the GB Men.
“This will be a chance for water polo supporters to see some of the players who played in the Olympic Games in London and to see some of the men who play their water polo for clubs around Europe.
“We are looking forward to introducing international water polo to many people who may not previously have had the opportunity to watch. I hope there will be some future GB players in the crowd seeing what a fast and exciting sport water polo can be.”
For further information on the event including ticket details plerase see http://www.swimming.org/britishswimming/news/water-polo/
Since forming the our club, the committee in particular Ros Perry completing submitting funding applications on the clubs behalf. I am pleased to announce another of those has been successful.
Ros applied on behalf of SC Torpedoes to Suffolk Coastal District Council for support. We have been awarded £942 by Suffolk Coastal District Council from a fund that provides funding to support new initiatives within communities.
The committee and members would like to thank Suffolk Coastal District Council for their financial support to SC Torpedoes Water Polo Club.
So in addition to awards from Sported, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Coastal District Council and Woodbridge Town Council the committee now has the pleasant job of spending that money for the benefit of our players. We will keep you posted on that one.
And a BIG thank you from all of us to Ros for handling the admin on these applications.
To all juniors players,
Many of the junior squad have been “enjoying/suffering” an add on land training sessions 7:30pm – 8:15pm before the Junior Pool session on Tuesday evening’s at Felixstowe.
Next Tuesday is the final Land Training session before the club summer break so this will be a FREE session and extended to ALL Junior Players not just the ‘regular land trainers’
p.s. Please remember that next Monday training session at Deben Swimming Pool on Mon 5th August starts at earlier @ 8pm.